
Negur Design

My knowledge I have knowledge in various related areas, I am learning something new for work and/or would like to know. Telegram

UX/UI I watched a course on UX/UI design.
[Максим Кузнецов] UI/UX дизайн курс (2022)    link2
The course takes 8 gigabytes. I knew a lot, learned something new for myself.
At the rate I created UX artifacts in Miro: Site map, User Flow, Functional map
I read books:
100 главных принципов дизайна. Как удержать внимание.
С. Уэйншенк - 100 главных принципов дизайна (Библиотека специалиста) 2012
Сьюзан Уэйншенк - 100 новых главных принципов дизайна 2016
Дизайн привычных вещей. Дон Норман
Не заставляйте меня думать 3-е изд. Стив Круг
Выйди из зоны комфорта. Брайан Трейси
Как провести UX-исследование самостоятельно: 6 проверенных методов
Как провести A/B-тест сайта: инструменты и популярные гипотезы
Полное руководство новичка по UX исследованию
7 конечных результатов ux: что я буду делать в качестве ux-дизайнера
Как мы делаем проекты: проектирование и прототипирование
Как создать User Story, сценарии и кейсы
Мобильные UX-паттерны, которые используются неправильно
Что такое гайдлайны мобильных приложений и зачем они нужны?
Анаит Бадалян — «Психология как инструмент дизайнера», UX-марафон
Комплексное руководство по дизайну мобильных приложений
Пользовательский опыт: все, что нужно знать продакту
Пользовательские сценарии: что это такое, как и для чего их нужно строить
Тестирование прототипов при разработке программного продукта
Дизайн-система: что это и в чем ее ценность для продукта и экосистемы | Глава 1
Создание дизайн системы — пошаговое руководство | Глава 2
I studied principles Material design * * iOS *    IxD I can do Interection design tasks: interactivity when interacting with various interface elements, as on websites, as well as in mobile applications and other interfaces. I studied various prototyping programs that can be used to create interactivity. I can do lottie animations, motion design in After Effects, Adobe Animate, GWD and other programs. Sample video lesson: What is Interaction Design? Learn Interaction Design in Product Design like a Pro!

Graphics software and prototyping

Lucidchart * Miro * Balsamiq * Marvel * > Flinto * > Principle * >
Figma *  Abode Xd *  Sketch * InVision * * Axure * Framer > > >   My example

Photoshop * > Examples of images processing in Photoshop with AI Illustrator * > > > > > Lightroom Classic * > CorelDRAW * Mockflow * Zeplin * >

AI I tested neural networks:   My analysis with images of 10 available graphic neural networks on one request "txt to image".  
1 Open AI Dale I tested, the results are not as significant as those of other cost-free ones, since the paid one is again a limit.
2. Discord Midjourney I like it, but it's paid. I studied on a test account, now it is closed. >> >> >> >>
3. Discord BlueWillow free, not as good as Midjourney, sometimes good results, some weak. *
4. Leonardo.AI free, quickly running out of tokens, about 4 generations of 4 images per day. >> >> >> >> >> >>
5. Stable Diffusion local local and external servers: >> many fine-tuning for image generation. >> >> >>
Studied various videos, tested settings, generated images. Special models are used, they allow better generation of the required graphics. Installed AbsoluteReality on StableDiffusion * >     My examples of AbsoluteReality on StableDiffusion  
6. Easy Diffusion v2.5 7. * >> generates quickly, 3 results by 4, images free daily limit.
8. free generates long 512 pixels, 30 sec, from loading, limited sizes, there are different styles.
9. * generates fast and free 1024x1024 reasonably high-quality images. >>
10. generates fast, makes mistakes, sizes up to 1024, free. Others >> generate 3-5 minutes, the results are not clear.
11. Photoshop 25.0 Beta AI   My examples of Photoshop 25.0 Beta AI   12. Adobe firefly >> PS 25.0 Beta AI quickly generates three options per request, which can be modified by highlighting the necessary areas and entering new requests. Produces high-quality results very quickly compared to Stable Diffusion, does not require additional settings, a powerful video card and third-party paid servers.
13. InvokeAI * >> >> It is possible to install on a computer and work for free, there are paid tariffs.
14. Generates 512 images within 10 seconds, realistically, you can upscale 4x. The results are not clear.
15. Shows a lot of results that look like a query of already generated images, but they are inaccurate. It is possible to generate 5 images for free, when I tested the images the photos are not photorealistic.
16. There was a short test period, the results are not accurate, then a paid subscription. 768x1152, results are accurate, images are professional, but blurred in 3d toy style, fantasy style, there are discrepancies. There are 20 tests.
17. 100 free generations of 4 images. The queries are accurate, the images are of good quality, but in poor lighting.
18. generates simple 512 requests quite well, does not make high-quality requests.
19. >> >> Generates 512 in 30 seconds, you can earn upsale 1024, inaccurate results. 6 styles. 10 Swedish images for 12 hours.
20. It is possible to generate text with graphics, looking for high-quality prompts in the examples.
I use neural networks:,,,,,,, to restore photos from black and white to color, for face restoration >>, to remove watermarks. ChatGPT, analyzed, and other.
FireFly *

Web-development  example: my site without framework

HTML5CSS3 > > Flexbox > > > > CSS Grid > > > > > SCSS > > > Tailwind CSS * > > > > > Bootstrap 5 * >
SVG > > > > Web-animation Anime.js, Js Gsap > * > > Node.js > > Gulp Xampp * Git > > > > >
JS (middle) I studied JavaScript online tutorial on site consistently all the topics, solved, analyzed the tasks of the assignment.
I studied part 1 and part 2, I ended up here part 3 here and I also studied on this site.
My learning results: parsing, testing js examples.
I watched other courses > > >
About OOP (I understood the material except: dep injection)
jQuery * > Zepto.js * > JSON > Basics PHP * > Twig Handlebarsjs * Vue.js * Studied the basics: > > > > > React * I know the basics of React.
I watched video lessons
I studied the sections: Installation and basic concepts
Introduction and Quick start
Guide ReactJS props and state
I can fasten the layout in the application on the reactor, spread the layout on the components.
I studied, I tested a course React JS fundamental course from A to Z

Visual Studio Code * > * Adaptive layout. Examples:
Study online - landing page, which I designed and coded using the Flexbe and then coded on html, css, javascript, bootstrap, php. This was done because the Flexbe is a Russian platform and access to it could be closed.
Harley Hair Street Skin Clinic
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Wordpress * I have been familiar with Joomla and Wordpress for about 15 years, I can fully develop a site for these cms. I have created websites using WP before. I watched courses and created sites on them to fix what I do not know.
Creating a WordPress theme (template) from scratch
Menu in WordPress
An example of a lesson site:   Landing Page on WP, pluggin Elementor  
WordPress Course
Completed course example:   WP Website from the course  
How to transfer a WordPress site from localhost to hosting?
Elementor Review 2023 - Is Elementor Still Best in 2023?
Joomla. * JoomShopping * I developed a site on Joomla JoomShopping for one small online store, used the developed theme, updated the adaptive version, finished the design. I filled the content of the site and all pages. Shopify * > Shopify has a 3 day trial period, I tested Shopify on several accounts. In this video, you can familiarize yourself with the work in the admin panel of the site: Best Shopify Tutorial and Ultimate Step by Step Guide for Beginners to Set up your Shopify store.
Shopify has a variety of themes, both free and paid. You can use the template without editing the code only through the admin panel, but it is possible to edit the code in developer mode and change the template.
I studied the video tutorials on how to create templates for Shopify Liquid, it's a lot of work. The Shopify Liquid template consists of a large number of files with special syntax. The organization of the file structure in the template is specific, in the sections folder there are files with the extension .liquid, in the templates folder there are json files, Example Theme Development Tutorial, watched videos, analyzed, learned Shopify Liquid theme development. Css and js files are in a separate asset template folder. There is a lot of code in the .liquid template files with various liquid syntax checks, css style checks, json codes {% schema %}. The author of the video synchronized the operation of the files on the local computer with the files on GitHub and connected GitHub on the site shopify. The process of adding sync. When editing the shopify content template code sometimes takes a long time to respond, the response can be from 1 up to 5 seconds or more. Shopify Liquid has a set of classes for css that you can use, for example, to mark up a grid in code.
For various elements you can find specific parts of the code, snippets and use ready-made solutions without building them from scratch.
I have knowledge of html, css, javascript, I can make site on Shopify, know how to use git.
Useful Information: Shopify Review 2024 – pluses, minuses and user reviews   How to Edit HTML Code in Shopify - Shopify Tutorials
Shopify. How to edit html/css files   Does Shopify Have FTP?   Complete Guide to Shopify   Liquid template language   Liquid reference   How to Use Alternate Templates in Shopify Theme Developers   How to Use Liquid to Create Custom Landing Page Templates   What is Shopify Liquid? A brief summary of the basics
Webflow * Webflow Conf 2023     Webflow pricing (2024 plan and pricing)
I like Webflow, It's the best website builder (visual editor) I've worked with, but it's paid.
Webflow (2024) Expert Review: Worthy Tool or Just Another Site Builder?
I watched the video How to quickly design a site on Webflow. Overview of the designer. and on it I did
  My example page on Webflow.   I made borders for the blocks so that you could see the page layout grid.
I tested the following Webflow examples small site
I watched such a lesson layout of one site, tested the layout of one page on it:   My work on Webflow   Screen in Webflow
Examples of animations in Webflow:   Animation1   by lesson1   Animation2   by lesson2
I watched all the broadcasts on the channel Kirill Zharkiy, who teaches Webflow, I watched the nuances of work in Webflow. He reviewed various other constructors and compared them. Examples   CMS in Webflow        Animations in Webflow   from Marketplace
According to this lesson Control a Cinema 4D animation with your mouse on a webpage — After Effects & Lottie in Webflow I made   Animation of 3d Galaxy in Webflow   (28 mb, loading delay) According to this lesson Animate a 3D render on scroll (same technique as Apple's AirPods Pro site) — Webflow + After Effects I made   Smartphone rotation animation in Webflow  
I studied the course Figma to Webflow. I decided to do it entirely on video in order to go through the entire process from 3D modeling, visualization, animation, website development in Webflow, website publishing on hosting.   My result for this course  
Initially, Webflow developers created a project in Figma with low fidelity and mid fidelity, then for high fidelity development they used Cinema 4D and Octane. I did not have a paid license, I contacted Octane support, they gave me a license for 3 months of study. I tested the work of Octane render in Cinema 4D using the course lesson and other videos. At first I did everything for the author, created the main scene, then when there was a lot of work with other scenes in modeling and animation, I watched them and analyzed them. Since the images for Webflow were already ready, I used them. I used After Effects to create web animations from Cinema 4D in json and use them in Webflow. I created a landing page in Webflow.
I have studied the plugin Figma to Webflow plugin. I watched Webflow Labs introduces the Figma to Webflow plugin. My result:   1. from Figma to Webflow   Інший курс: How to Use the Figma to Webflow Plugin | FREE COURSE. My result:   2. from Figma to Webflow  
I watched this course Webflow 101. Landing page created by developers for this course:
I passed the test after the course Webflow 101 Certification exam   My test result   I received   Webflow certification  
I'm studying other Webflow videos and documentation:
Flexbe *

2d animation:   html5 baners >>  presentation with animation >>

Google Web Designer * > Adobe Animate | Flash * I have experience with Flash, created 2d animations, advertising banners.
I can work with bone animation, as in lesson.
AS3/JS, basics CreateJS >
Lottie * I can create animation of Lottie in Figma and After Effects > > > * > * > Basics of bone animation in Spine * > >> Dragon Bones * > > > > * I studied bone animation in Spine and Dragon Bones. Example of a 2d character walking

Online advertising, analytics

DoubleClick Studio * > Earlier I studied DoubleClick Studio from Google, a platform for managing ad animated creatives in the web. Passed online testing. I passed testing certification: HTML5 Studio, Dynamic Creatives, Google Web Designer, Custom Lightbox, Vpaid Badge, Youtube Badge, QA. > Google Analytics *

Design and layout of printed materials >>

InDesign * QuarkXPress *    Development of presentations in Figma *   Power Point * Google Slides *

Motion design, video editing

After Effects * I studied and tested some tutorials: After Effects tutorials

I studied course of Mikhail Bychkov's Super After Effects 2022
My works on the course

I studied Super After Effects 2 (Video course) + Bonuses 2017
More details

I studied a course on After Effects CC Super Motion 2015
My works on the course

My works in After Effects
>  Premiere Pro * I studied and tested the tutorials: Premiere Pro tutorials  Final Cut Pro *


3ds Max * I have known 3ds Max for a long time, I studied with breaks. I have knowledge of interior and exterior design, I can create low-polygonal models according to drawings, uv textures. Some examples of my works. Vray * Corona * Cinema 4D * I studied the course Super Cinema 4D, 2018
My works from the course
Octane * Examples Dimension * I studied and tested all the tutorials: Dimension Get Started
Adobe Dimension. 3D design made simple.

* * > >> Adobe Maximo * Unity * I learned Unity basics
My works by lessons
Spline3d * I studied Spline and completed all the video lessons on YouTube channels, my results SketchUp * > > >